Tuesday, March 06, 2007

SCAD Shorts

SCAD Shorts

"SCADshorts is a creative project developed by the Dandy Dwarves and commisioned by the Savannah College of Art and Design. The Dandy Dwarves are a group of students (now alumni) who formed a video production company in 2002 while attending the school. Every aspect for SCADshorts was conceptualized and designed by these SCAD alums as an alternative way to represent the level and diversity of talent and possibilities that the school and its members have to offer. Each month SCADshorts.com will release a brand new video short showcasing the combined talents of some very unique artists. So don't let us down...come back from month to month, show your support, and keep those title guesses coming. And of course, if you like the videos...share the love and link em' anywhere and everywhere. We're not modest; we want to spread our Shorts." scadshorts.com

I have a thing for SCAD and got an email about this the other day. I think it's a great idea and put together in a clever way. Check it out!

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