Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Design Camp 2006

I'm not quite sure if I will be attending Design Camp this year. None of the speakers nor the activities seem exciting to me. Sad. I usually l-o-v-e Design Camp. Sigh.

More info: aigaminn.org/designcamp


allijack said...

okay but now that they have the speaker bios up-- the speakers could be promising... before when it was just a list of names, titles, company sites or portfolios, I wasn't as excited as I was for Chip Kidd, Hillman Curtis, and that gal from IA. Jk. Who was excited for her? Lisa already registered and I look forward to this every year! We could make it awesome even if the workshops are mediocre. All we need is some twig-made type and a mullet... and it wouldn't be nearly as cool without you :(

Anonymous said...

You have to go! This year my company is paying for the design department to go (all 3 of us) and it will be my first ever Design Camp. You and Allijack have to be there to show me the ropes. :-)